March is upon us.

This month is full of events and time stamps, Mardi Gras, Lent, The Ides of March , St.Patrick’s Day, March Madness, Spring Equinox, DST, there is even an Ear Muff Day (March 13) …the list “marches on”.

It does go without saying that March is a month of renewal. We clean out the winter closets, clean up the garden, start the diet for beach wear, start diving into your taxes, and revisit whatever New Year’s resolutions we have dropped already!

We should start a renewal for ourselves, how about we make all our Doctor appointments in this month so we know that that March is our Health Check-up Month.

Let’s start with our hearing health. Call the audiologist, call the Ear, Eyes, Nose and Throat specialist. Take care of all those hearing bugaboos you delay over the holidays and then promise to take care of. March is a perfect time, the weather is cooperating and calling to you to come outside, (and according to a certain groundhog) spring is arriving.

Now, if you are someone who is diligent about your hearing health, March would be a fabulous time to change up your hearing protection or hearing aids by ordering new ear molds…maybe green for St.Patty’s Day or if you’re a super March Madness fan, the logo of your favorite basketball team.

Shake it up, let March come in like a lion, be bold about your hearing health! Take charge of renewing, refreshing and reviving your hearing. March on!


  • The Microsonic Blog includes posts about custom earmold manufacturing and the hearing health industry.